2 Bedroom, 1 Bath
Basement, Hardwood Floors
$900 month $1,200 Sec Dep
$395 Water Dep to City of Port Huron. Tenant pays all utilities.
Drive by first then TEXT ONLY
Rental Application required
3 Bed, 1 Bath, Unfinished Basement 2 Car Detached Garage.
$1,200 mo $1,500 Sec Dep. $398 Water Dep with City PH
Tenant pays gas, electric and water.
Drive by first then TEXT ONLY (810) 650-4843
Application Required
3 Bedroom, 1 Bath, Full Basement, 1 Car Attached garage
$1,200 month, $1,500 Security Dep.
Tenant pays electric, gas and water. $398 Water deposit to City of Port Huron.
Not approved for Sec 8 / No large dogs
Drive by first then TEXT ONLY 810-650-4843
Application required
2 Bedroom, 1 Bath on Crawl, One car garage $895 month $1,200 Security Dep.
Tenant pays Electric, Gas and Water, $410 Water Dep with City of Port Huron required.
No Section 8, No large breed dogs.
DRIVE BY first the TEXT ONLY 810-650-4843